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This is the main house of our Kennel, where we live thogether with our owners.

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ConCateNate is a Kennel registered under FCI, but us dogs don't feel like living in a Kennel as we live together with our owners in there daily environment:

vinter1.jpg (33828 bytes)                     Summer Joy

During the winter we just love relaxing on the sofa watching telly, and on a hot summerday nothing is better than a dip in the baby-pool with our mom.

When pup's are expected at Kennel ConCateNate, the dining room is cleared, and turned into a labour ward and pup-room. The most important thing is the maternity-box, which is of course first installed:

Maternity Box Birth Small pups

The bitch and the pup's live here for the first 2 weeks. And it requires a lot of persuasion to take the bitch for a walk.

Then - when the pup's are about 2½ weeks old an enlargement to the pup territory will be made. A playpen will be added:

The playpen The Playpen

And then, as they grow older and bigger they will also be allowed to spend time in the living room and in the garden:

Relaxing in the livingroom              On the way to the garden

In the garden

As you may understand the pup's are brought up in a familiar way. Used to all the sounds in a normal family, and while growing up they also meet lots of different people, from grandmother to our new born  nephew.


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Copyright © 1997 by Kennel ConCateNate.
Last Updated: 06 nov 2007 19:59